Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

i'm in love

to be honest from the
first time we met
saying i like you
was not easy for me to do

if i don't approach you first
i was afraid of losing you

i wrote letters and prepare
small gifts for you

if my love for you
goes any deeper
it would only hurt me more
its true my mind is full of fear

i pray with all my heart
the person that i'm hoping for
i believe that person is you

i'm in love
i fall in love

there's no way around it
i can't hide my heart
you're so beautiful

i thought i never
gonna fall in love
but i'm in love
cause i wanna love you baby

thruthfully from the first time
i met you
somewhere inside my heart
you crashed like a strong wave

you're the only thing
i think about all day
i can be a good lover
wanna be your four-leafed clover
i will make you feel like
the happiest woman in the world

you gotta believe me
make you never gonna leave me
i won't make you promises
i will just show it to you

i'm in love
with you baby

i fall in love
there's no way around it

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